About us
New Wave Outreach Ministries is a gathering of believers from all walks of life and age groups, offering people a place to call home, to experience God’s unfailing love, and grow in their love for God and one another.
Our mission is to empower believers to find their purpose and fulfill their destiny.
Our Vision Is to be vessels of God’s unfailing love and abounding grace.
No matter who you are or where you come from, there is a special place in God for you.
Come and experience God's Unfailing Love, Abounding Grace, and Overwhelming Victory!
Our Story
Our story has been one of God’s Faithfulness. Each chapter is filled with God’s unfailing Love, abounding Grace, and enduring Mercies.
His faithfulness has brought us this far and is leading us in our adventures of faith into his planned destiny for us.
With joy, we can say, “Thus far has the Lord brought us”, ( 1 Samuel 7:12) and the better part of this story is yet to be told. “For eyes have not seen, nor ears heard, neither has it entered into our hearts what God has in store for us.” (1 Corinthians 2:9).
We believe greater days and greater glory are ahead of us to do greater things for the Kingdom of God, which will affect our generation and generations to come.
We believe you have a part to play in this story. We welcome you to join us in this journey to see God's amazing plan taking us places we've not dreamed of yet.
Kingdom Koncepts: Wednesday @ 7 pm
In-depth study of the Word of God where the Scriptures are made alive, relevant, and practical for everyday living in today's world.
Encounters with God: Friday @ 7 pm
Encountering God through fervent Holy Spirit led prayer, that makes prayer exciting and powerful.
We affirm and believe in God as our Father, creator, possessor, and sustainer of all things.
We believe in His Son Jesus Christ as the saviour and the only mediator between God the Father and man.
We believe in the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity and His present-day ministry on earth and in the church.
We believe in the Holy Scriptures (The Bible) as the inspired infallible Word of God for doctrine and instruction in all aspect of human life and existence.
We believe that all men are born sinners and have fallen short of God’s Glory and need a saviour. Salvation is only through the Son Jesus Christ, through faith in His birth, crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.
We believe in God’s grace; that salvation is only by grace through faith. As we receive His grace, we can extend it to others.
We believe that man was created by God for worship. Our worship can be expressed through our lives, gifts, talents, and resources, and must be directed towards God alone.
We believe in prayer as a means by which we partner and corporate with God in carrying out His plan on earth and for mankind.
We believe that God sets us in families, physical and spiritual. We are created for fellowship with God and with one another to encourage and help each other reach our full potential.
We believe God created man to be free and that freedom is to be used in service to God and humanity. And that in Christ we can find complete and total freedom.
We believe that marriage is a God-ordained institution, established for the good of human society and that marriage is between one man and one woman as prescribed by the Holy Scriptures.
We believe that man is created to serve God and serve one another
We believe in YOU. You are unique and special with exceptional capabilities. Your place in God cannot be occupied by anyone else. At New Wave, our passion is to create a beautiful atmosphere where individuals can flourish, be equipped, and empowered to be all God created them to be.